Hosting playgroup was both fun and interesting. It was E's first time sharing his toys with other children. He was pretty cool with the other babies playing with the toys but he was not about to share his mommy. His refusal to nap before the event may have contributed to his clingy-ness but he was quite adamant that the other children not touch me.
Most of the playgroups we've been to have been dominated by the older siblings but on Friday we had just the wee ones (all 6 under two, most born in Aug 07 +/- 1 month). It was fun to watching them not play together. They might all go for the same toy or end up in the same area but they were pretty oblivious to the presence of the others. The baby pileup was my favorite: babies just stop moving where and when they want regardless of how many other babies are currently occupying that space.
Little E enjoyed the fair, mostly. We braved the smaller (and more rickety) carousel of the fair, compared to that at the mall, but we sat on the sleigh instead of a horse. E had fun going around, looking at the mechanisms, and waving to Daddy (though not until after we'd gone well past Daddy).
The slide was the big hit though. 3 stories high; I nearly panicked just getting him to the top (I think I have late onset acrophobia). He (and I) were apprehensive going down the slide; it went much faster than I thought. The boy's second trip down the slide, with the Mav, was a triumph. He raised his hands up and grinned from ear to ear. I think he was sad to move on.
He greeted the petting zoo less enthusiastically. E was curious about the animals but not at all a fan of touching them. He seemed to warm up to the baby llama but when her mom came to visit that was quite enough, thank you. Though it had only been about two hours since he woke up from morning nap, the stress and excitement of the fair had the boy asleep before we got home.
I could go on and on about the trivialities of life with our small boy; trivialities that are yet fascinating and all-consuming to his adoring parents. I'll post a couple of pictures instead (look for a web album from the Mav soon).
It turns out the pictures I wanted to post are on the other camera and I would have to get that camera and its cord and upload the pics ... so enjoy this one instead and I'll get the other pictures up in the next day or so. Please forgive the spelling and grammatical errors that are likely all throughout this post; my proof-reader is busy selecting pictures.
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