Little E is the proud owner of 6 teeth! After a week or so of moderate teething issues (nothing like the pain and suffering of the first 2 teeth), 2 new teeth made their debut at the end of last week. If you look really hard in the above picture you can see them there on the top. A new Picasa Web album should be coming out soon which will let you see the picture in its fullsize glory if you really need proof that our little carnivore is on his way to his first steak. (If you do not get the Picasa Web album emails from the Mav and want to, send him or me an email about it).
E has had some serious rash problems in the last several months. In short, a seemingly common diaper rash turned into a full body medical mystery that gave the small boy much discomfort, sent us across the state in search of a more knowledgeable doctor and made us try hundreds of (well maybe 5) rash creams, prescription and otherwise, in addition to a couple of ingested remedies. That rash went away, eventually.
The diaper rash is back. Why? Well, I think it is because E prefers to spend his college tuition on diapers. Nothing but the best for this baby's bottom.
I had high hopes, before actually meeting the small boy, that we would happily buy the cheapest, most generic diapers out there so that I could spend small-boy-allotted money on much cuter items. I won't go into details (in case you've just eaten) but only one premium name-brand diapers could go the distance.
When the rash issues struck, in search of any possible fix, we switched to dye-free diapers. Pricey, hard to find, dye free diapers. The rash eventually went away.
We ran out of these wonder diapers (that do indeed go the distance!) and switched to the old kind while awaiting our next shipment. The rash returned.
Though I'm not completely convinced that the diapers are the root cause (I've got a couple of other hypotheses--I am after all supposedly training to be a "scientist"), we've committed our retirement funds to ensuring that only the best diapers money can buy touch our child's tush.
The diapers arrived today, so fingers crossed that this works please. In the meantime, we pursue our old techniques of airing out the affected area and applying athlete's foot cream nightly.
To air the area we rely on a tried and true technique for turning normal, active small children into googley-eyed zombies. TV. We watch the PBS show Curious George. This show is the best tv show ever for small boys. No joke. E agrees. In picture below, E is about to start his airing ...
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