I prefer to buy the larger containers for several reasons. 1.) portion variability-- sometimes E doesn't eat a whole container, sometimes he wants more, 2.) container reuse--the big containers are great for storing leftovers, and 3.) I have a tendency to somehow drop the lid/flap of the small container which then lands yogurt side down on the floor.
It is the same yogurt in the two packages: whole milk, organic, from the great state of New Hampshire. The difference is the additives. The large container holds nothing but yogurt and tiny little happy bacteria. The small containers have fruit mixed in with the yogurt and happy little bacteria.
I stir fresh (local, ripe, very yummy) fruit into the plain yogurt. E eats this fruit hand over fist on its own. I'd eat the fruit and yogurt as a dessert; it's that good.
E disagrees, loudly and messily.
It turns out that the small packages contain sugar.
I cannot stir sugar into his yogurt. I just psychologically can not do it. I credit (or blame) my nearly sugar-free childhood for my strong feelings about where sugar belongs.
I can, however, add maple syrup.
E LOVES his large container yogurt now.
In other news ...
E had learned to give "high fives". He loves, loves, loves to eat toast. And peas. He does not like milk; hopefully this is temporary. He walks his scooter all around the living room and dining room but rarely attempts solo steps. He loves books and magazines; he'll sit on laps for a long time flipping pages. His fondness for tv is waning; he prefers activity. He climbed the stairs yesterday and said "nigh-nigh", all ready for sleep. He has learned a new noise that makes it sound like he is hyperventilating, causing his parents to rush into his room only to find him standing up in his crib grinning widely. That grin ... it's going to get him far in life and probably out of a lot of trouble.
K, What about those Peanut butter, jelly and fluff sandwiches POPPOP used to make - oh yes,, also maraschino cherries????? Just kidding!!!!! Love the blogs - we're surely looking forward to seeing all of you soon....MM
Shhhh ... I'm sure my mother doesn't know about those. Or the donuts. I think she may have known about the candy dishes and soda. But otherwise, I had a very sugar-light (not sugar-free) childhood. Can't wait to see you both! K
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