Monday, July 7, 2008

Revenge of the Carousel

We hit the mall again on Sunday as the hot and sticky weather has returned. E was having an off day, just out of sorts though no concrete complaints. Thinking that our older and braver baby might actually enjoy a carousel ride this time we bought a token and the wee one and I entered the enclosure with the Mav stationed nearby to record the event.

As before, I put the boy on a horse. This time I knew to fasten the seatbelt myself. E was as happy as he'd been that day; wiggling a bit and chatting to me and the horse. Then the ride started...

The cowboy was not so brave today. By the midpoint of the ride I'd removed him from his steed as his angst was only increasing with the revolutions. Such a baby. For a little while longer.

We went home. His spirits returned a bit. E walked (while holding my fingers) from the car to the front door. Such a big boy. Almost.

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