Monday, January 28, 2013

the things they say

1.  Alec was eating toast with jelly on it the other day at a nearby diner. He said "dat more jeddy beans?" pointing to the stack of jelly containers. I said "jelly beans?" thinking I may have misunderstood.  He nodded are repeated "jeddy beans". I said to him "do you think jelly comes from jelly beans?"  He looked at me, grinned, and said "I just tricking you!"

2. While playing Candy Land, Evan said to Alec "you have to put it in the disco card pile" (I'm guessing this is Evan-speak for discard pile).

3.  Today is the first day without a pacifier at home for Alec. Evan is home from school early because of the weather and was thus around while I tried to get Alec down for his nap.  Usually it takes 5 seconds because he loves his nap.  Today though, he was distraught over the loss of his beloved paci.  Evan called up "what is taking so long?" When I told him that his brother was having a hard time, Evan asked to come see him.

Evan walked over right beside where I was rocking Alec and told him "I'm about to cry myself".  He then proceeded to tell Alec about why he had to stop using paci ... causing a space between his teeth, bacteria would get in, cause cavities, maybe even strep throat or pink eye (that is how Evan's mind works, he knows strep, pink eye and cavities may be caused by bacteria and thus any one can lead to other).  He stopped his monologue from time to time because he was getting choked up from almost crying.