Monday, August 6, 2012

Evan is 5!

Evan turned 5 on Saturday.  We had a low-key day of present opening, hanging out at home, and dinner at the train station.

The true birthday excitement occurred on Sunday.  We had a party for Evan at the house.  8 of his friends plus a couple of their siblings came over for a total of 12 kids 5 and under.  Despite the hot, humid weather, the kids all had a great time I think.  They started by launching a variety of different rockets and jumping in the bounce house.

Then, we went inside for cake and ice cream, followed by jet pack decorating.  Next, the kids helped rescue some lost aliens and tiny planet lost in space.

The last activity was to break open the rocket pinata.  The kids took several turns each, then we let some of the Daddies loose on the thing.  With the pinata still mostly intact, the kids amped up the effort and finally broke it!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Soul Man


I was upstairs getting ready to take the boys out, when I heard Evan sobbing gently in his room. He'd been petting the cat downstairs a few moments earlier and then came up on his own.

I asked him why he was crying. He told me he had been singing the cat a sad song over and over and now it had made him sad.
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