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The life and times of "Baby", "Brother", "Mama" and "Da-ee" (to quote the littlest one)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
happy baby
Sorry about the unsteadiness ... it is hard to hold the camera while playing with Alec.
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I know I'm so far behind updating the blog ... hopefully will get back to writing regularly soon ... but had some BIG news to pass on!
Alec giggled this evening for the first time!
So, here's how it happened:
He was fresh from the bath, in nice clean jammies. I layed him down in his Moses basket so we could get Evan ready for bed and clean up from the baths. Just as I got Alec in the basket, he spit up a bit. I conveyed my frustration at his timing, as he was newly clean and clothed and my baby boy giggled for the very first time. Granted, I chastised him in words appropriate for being within earshot of the 3 year old and in a tone appropriate for the 2 month old but still he giggled because I reprimanded him. I am in big trouble with this one.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Movies, now in HD!
You should have option of watching this in 720p.
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
1. E is wearing underpants! 2.5 completely successful days so far. About 1000 trips to the potty in those 2.5 days (E-initiated, mostly). We're still working out the kinks ... he had to "go" 4 times during dinner the other night.
2. Took E to see his first movie at a movie theatre yesterday (Toy Story 3) to celebrate his accomplishments with potty training. Except for E being too light to hold the seat still (like all theatre seats, these flip up when not in use), our excursion was a smashing success. I don't know how much he followed the story but he did clasp his hand to his mouth during the surprising moments. He really liked the popcorn and trail mix, too.
3. We had our first parent-teacher conference on Friday to discuss E's transition to the 3 yr old class. E is above average analytically (which is no big surprise) but also was ahead of the curve rhythmically -- he can beat a drum in time to saying the ABC's! He also "discovered" a new art technique which his classmates soon picked up -- he's a natural leader! He has trouble sharing, needs to be first in line, wants to sit right next to the teacher, and doesn't like it when other kids sit in "his" spot on the rug. He is very polite and appreciative; often the first (and always the loudest) to thank a visitor.
E's current teachers are amazing! They deserve most of the potty training credit and they are so creative and enthusiastic. Luckily one of his teachers is moving up to the three year old room around the same time E does. This is a big move for E ... he'll get to use a computer in class, use the big kid playground, the toilet is full size. This is the real beginning of preschool. Hopefully, he'll make the transition easily because not long after his home life will be changing too ...
4. We took a tour of the labor and delivery department at the hospital. It looks nice I guess; big, private rooms. I'm not at all ready though but with ~6 more weeks until the due date, I guess I'd better get ready soon. The little guy is wiggling and kicking frequently and everything is going well!
5. A friend from work organized a very nice baby shower/welcome dinner for us last Thursday. It was very sweet -- I work with great people! Baby boy got some very cute presents!
6. Bill is painting the dining room! It is a nice, happy orangish red. It will look better with our mostly black furniture, compared to previously dark blue color. It is the first room in this house for which we chose the color; very exciting! We're using no-voc paint and it's great -- there is absolutely no paint smell in the house.
2. Took E to see his first movie at a movie theatre yesterday (Toy Story 3) to celebrate his accomplishments with potty training. Except for E being too light to hold the seat still (like all theatre seats, these flip up when not in use), our excursion was a smashing success. I don't know how much he followed the story but he did clasp his hand to his mouth during the surprising moments. He really liked the popcorn and trail mix, too.
3. We had our first parent-teacher conference on Friday to discuss E's transition to the 3 yr old class. E is above average analytically (which is no big surprise) but also was ahead of the curve rhythmically -- he can beat a drum in time to saying the ABC's! He also "discovered" a new art technique which his classmates soon picked up -- he's a natural leader! He has trouble sharing, needs to be first in line, wants to sit right next to the teacher, and doesn't like it when other kids sit in "his" spot on the rug. He is very polite and appreciative; often the first (and always the loudest) to thank a visitor.
E's current teachers are amazing! They deserve most of the potty training credit and they are so creative and enthusiastic. Luckily one of his teachers is moving up to the three year old room around the same time E does. This is a big move for E ... he'll get to use a computer in class, use the big kid playground, the toilet is full size. This is the real beginning of preschool. Hopefully, he'll make the transition easily because not long after his home life will be changing too ...
4. We took a tour of the labor and delivery department at the hospital. It looks nice I guess; big, private rooms. I'm not at all ready though but with ~6 more weeks until the due date, I guess I'd better get ready soon. The little guy is wiggling and kicking frequently and everything is going well!
5. A friend from work organized a very nice baby shower/welcome dinner for us last Thursday. It was very sweet -- I work with great people! Baby boy got some very cute presents!
6. Bill is painting the dining room! It is a nice, happy orangish red. It will look better with our mostly black furniture, compared to previously dark blue color. It is the first room in this house for which we chose the color; very exciting! We're using no-voc paint and it's great -- there is absolutely no paint smell in the house.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
At the farmers market
There are these fountains that run in the middle of the farmers market. This is the first time Evan has had a chance to play in them.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.5
Name that tune.
Seriously, we have no idea. It would really help us out if you could name this tune.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.5
Friday, July 2, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Train pants
E is very proud of his new training pants (he calls them his train pants) and is (mostly) doing very well with potty training. Of course, the kid who's been dry through naps and night-time for months had a nap-time accident today; our first day in non-disposable, non-fully-containing undergarments. Oh well, sheets needed to be washed anyway.
Happy Father's Day! (belated)
You may have noticed that Bill/Reece aka "The Mav" is posting here much more frequently these days. He's got an amazing new phone that enables posting pictures and videos directly from the phone (no computer!). He can take a video and have it on the blog in the time it takes our small boy to eat a single broccoli floret. (of course, it can take the kid over 30 minutes ...).
It's been a bit of a rough year for the father-son duo. First, there was the chaos of living apart for awhile and moving. Then our "normal" (post graduate school) life brought the new routine which involves commuting, working outside the house, daycare, business travel. As expected, we all spend much less time together.
On the surface, E is very much a mama's boy. He's in a phase now in which he insists that I do pretty much everything; helping him into the car, brushing his teeth, ... The other day, at nap, Bill asked for a hug and E told him he only had one, and it was for Mommy. While I don't argue that E and I have a pretty good thing going, E is not actually anti-Daddy. Not at all.
One morning, Bill took E out to eat breakfast at Bojangles while I got some work done. For months afterward, E would point out Bojangles every time we drove by and tell me "that BO-jangles. Daddy and I eat there!"
One of the best way to get E to try something new to eat is to have Bill eat it. Don't offer it to Evan. Just let him watch Daddy eat it. More often than not, he'll ask for some and will eat/drink more than just a taste's worth. We've added eggs, english muffins, and grapefruit juice to his repertoire this way, to name a few. This does NOT work if I eat something E hasn't tried before.
I think the pictures probably tell the rest of the story a bit more eloquently. (My writing skills are a bit "dry" right now). E adores his Dad, and rightly so. He's a fantastic father to his 1.7 sons!
It's been a bit of a rough year for the father-son duo. First, there was the chaos of living apart for awhile and moving. Then our "normal" (post graduate school) life brought the new routine which involves commuting, working outside the house, daycare, business travel. As expected, we all spend much less time together.
On the surface, E is very much a mama's boy. He's in a phase now in which he insists that I do pretty much everything; helping him into the car, brushing his teeth, ... The other day, at nap, Bill asked for a hug and E told him he only had one, and it was for Mommy. While I don't argue that E and I have a pretty good thing going, E is not actually anti-Daddy. Not at all.
One morning, Bill took E out to eat breakfast at Bojangles while I got some work done. For months afterward, E would point out Bojangles every time we drove by and tell me "that BO-jangles. Daddy and I eat there!"
One of the best way to get E to try something new to eat is to have Bill eat it. Don't offer it to Evan. Just let him watch Daddy eat it. More often than not, he'll ask for some and will eat/drink more than just a taste's worth. We've added eggs, english muffins, and grapefruit juice to his repertoire this way, to name a few. This does NOT work if I eat something E hasn't tried before.
I think the pictures probably tell the rest of the story a bit more eloquently. (My writing skills are a bit "dry" right now). E adores his Dad, and rightly so. He's a fantastic father to his 1.7 sons!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Quotable Todder
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Evan: "When I do all my pee and poop in the potty, then I can go see your movie, Buzz Lightyear".
Buzz Lightyear: "Yes, then you can come see my movie".
What makes this exchange even cuter? Evan is playing both roles.
What makes this exchange frustrating? Evan is supposed to be asleep, not talking to an imaginary Buzz Lightyear. Yesterday, during naptime, he laid in bed for more than 2 hours talking, sometimes to Buzz, sometimes for Buzz, sometimes to no-one. Just continuous talking.
In an attempt to move the potty training along, we've promised Evan to take him to see the Buzz Lightyear movie at the theater once he is potty trained. The movie starts June 18th and I imagine will play for at least a couple of months. I hope ...
E has not seen any of the Toy Story movies so far. He really wants to go see Buzz's movie. He really doesn't want to tell us when he has to go potty though. Even though we had him go to the bathroom twice between when we got home at 6 and bedtime at 8, he had filled his pull-up within 15 minutes of being in bed. Grrrr.
On a funnier note: after using the potty, E decided to run around the downstairs circle stark naked singing "naked baby, naked baby, naked baby!" while giggling his head off. Got to get some window treatments in the dining room, I guess.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
E has started calling us "Mom" and "Dad" as of this week.
and ... he apparently knows my first name is Kristine now but he hasn't tried to call me that yet.
The "why?" phase started May 15th, 2010.
One of Evan's new games is to pretend that he is the mom and I am the little boy. He says "I your mom" and then goes through various events in our daily life. Today he told me it was bedtime. He read me three stories, made sure I had a snuggle blanket and then told me to "seep tight" and "we yuv you". The other day, he told me he was "very fwusterwated" with me. Apparently I had touched his backpack and that "IS. ONLY. FOR. EVAN!" He then put me in timeout (timeout is awesome, you get to sit still and be quiet. I love it!). Then, he told me I could get up (time out was not long enough, in my opinion).
Ask E any question and the immediate response is "I don't know". This is typically followed seconds later with the correct answer.
I'm not sure how but E is picking up quite a twang. "Hay-yelp" for help, "Me-yulk" for milk.
Bedtime routine at age 2.75: 3 stories (while drinking his milk), teeth brushing, marching to his room (like a marching band), Daddy throws E on the bed, family hug, socks on (no matter how hot it is), belly-button lotion (both Mom and Dad need to apply it), then lights out and off to sleep (with music and turtle light on, of course). Whew!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Say what?
Lifting the flap in a book and describing the picture: "tight-rope walker"
E, turning toward me: "I used to be a tight-rope walker"
Me: "Oh, really"
E: "Yes, when I get bigger"
Anyone: "How are you, Evan?"
E: "I lookin good!"
E: "I have a microscope. A pirate microscope!"
E, turning toward me: "I used to be a tight-rope walker"
Me: "Oh, really"
E: "Yes, when I get bigger"
Anyone: "How are you, Evan?"
E: "I lookin good!"
E: "I have a microscope. A pirate microscope!"
Monday, April 19, 2010
Potty training is serious business
We had some setbacks with the potty training. When Evan was sick and not really eating and drinking, it was pointless to ask him to use the potty. He stayed pretty potty resistant even after recovering his health.
Starting a few days ago, Evan will now happily use the potty on request, provided Buzz Lightyear goes first. The plastic toy sits on the potty then washes his hands. Evan does the same, usually with the intermediate step of actually evacuating.
Today, Evan was "hiding" which is often a sign that he needs to use the potty. I called out to him that Buzz needed to go to the potty and asked if Evan wanted to go too. He can running and was successful.
As I was cleaning him up after, a fit of naughty took over E. He maniacally laughed as he unrolled the toilet paper. Despite me telling him several times to stop, in a VERY LOUD VOICE, he persisted. I finally got him to stop and probably gave him a bit of the evil eye as I put his pants back on. The following words were exchanged.
"Are you happy, Mommy?"
"No, Evan. I'm not."
"Are you angry?"
"Yes. It makes me angry when you don't listen, especially while I'm trying to clean you up."
"Are you a lot angry?"
"No ..." (I start cracking here)
"Are you a little angry?"
"_____" (well, not anymore. How can you stay angry with that line of questioning?)
Starting a few days ago, Evan will now happily use the potty on request, provided Buzz Lightyear goes first. The plastic toy sits on the potty then washes his hands. Evan does the same, usually with the intermediate step of actually evacuating.
Today, Evan was "hiding" which is often a sign that he needs to use the potty. I called out to him that Buzz needed to go to the potty and asked if Evan wanted to go too. He can running and was successful.
As I was cleaning him up after, a fit of naughty took over E. He maniacally laughed as he unrolled the toilet paper. Despite me telling him several times to stop, in a VERY LOUD VOICE, he persisted. I finally got him to stop and probably gave him a bit of the evil eye as I put his pants back on. The following words were exchanged.
"Are you happy, Mommy?"
"No, Evan. I'm not."
"Are you angry?"
"Yes. It makes me angry when you don't listen, especially while I'm trying to clean you up."
"Are you a lot angry?"
"No ..." (I start cracking here)
"Are you a little angry?"
"_____" (well, not anymore. How can you stay angry with that line of questioning?)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Captain Chaos's sidekick is due to make his first appearance in about 20 weeks but we got a sneak preview today. And what a view ... baby boy is not shy or modest.
It's sort of strange knowing already. We didn't find out with little E until he had officially arrived. We decided to make things easier this time around (one name to plan) and now E can stop thinking that the phrase "your little brother or sister" is a multiple choice question.
Without further ado ... introducing ________________
It's sort of strange knowing already. We didn't find out with little E until he had officially arrived. We decided to make things easier this time around (one name to plan) and now E can stop thinking that the phrase "your little brother or sister" is a multiple choice question.
Without further ado ... introducing ________________
Sunday, April 4, 2010
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