Saturday, May 22, 2010


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E has started calling us "Mom" and "Dad" as of this week.

and ... he apparently knows my first name is Kristine now but he hasn't tried to call me that yet.

The "why?" phase started May 15th, 2010.

One of Evan's new games is to pretend that he is the mom and I am the little boy. He says "I your mom" and then goes through various events in our daily life. Today he told me it was bedtime. He read me three stories, made sure I had a snuggle blanket and then told me to "seep tight" and "we yuv you". The other day, he told me he was "very fwusterwated" with me. Apparently I had touched his backpack and that "IS. ONLY. FOR. EVAN!" He then put me in timeout (timeout is awesome, you get to sit still and be quiet. I love it!). Then, he told me I could get up (time out was not long enough, in my opinion).

Ask E any question and the immediate response is "I don't know". This is typically followed seconds later with the correct answer.

I'm not sure how but E is picking up quite a twang. "Hay-yelp" for help, "Me-yulk" for milk.

Bedtime routine at age 2.75: 3 stories (while drinking his milk), teeth brushing, marching to his room (like a marching band), Daddy throws E on the bed, family hug, socks on (no matter how hot it is), belly-button lotion (both Mom and Dad need to apply it), then lights out and off to sleep (with music and turtle light on, of course). Whew!

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