Evan: "When I do all my pee and poop in the potty, then I can go see your movie, Buzz Lightyear".
Buzz Lightyear: "Yes, then you can come see my movie".
What makes this exchange even cuter? Evan is playing both roles.
What makes this exchange frustrating? Evan is supposed to be asleep, not talking to an imaginary Buzz Lightyear. Yesterday, during naptime, he laid in bed for more than 2 hours talking, sometimes to Buzz, sometimes for Buzz, sometimes to no-one. Just continuous talking.
In an attempt to move the potty training along, we've promised Evan to take him to see the Buzz Lightyear movie at the theater once he is potty trained. The movie starts June 18th and I imagine will play for at least a couple of months. I hope ...
E has not seen any of the Toy Story movies so far. He really wants to go see Buzz's movie. He really doesn't want to tell us when he has to go potty though. Even though we had him go to the bathroom twice between when we got home at 6 and bedtime at 8, he had filled his pull-up within 15 minutes of being in bed. Grrrr.
On a funnier note: after using the potty, E decided to run around the downstairs circle stark naked singing "naked baby, naked baby, naked baby!" while giggling his head off. Got to get some window treatments in the dining room, I guess.
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