Monday, April 19, 2010

Potty training is serious business

We had some setbacks with the potty training. When Evan was sick and not really eating and drinking, it was pointless to ask him to use the potty. He stayed pretty potty resistant even after recovering his health.

Starting a few days ago, Evan will now happily use the potty on request, provided Buzz Lightyear goes first. The plastic toy sits on the potty then washes his hands. Evan does the same, usually with the intermediate step of actually evacuating.

Today, Evan was "hiding" which is often a sign that he needs to use the potty. I called out to him that Buzz needed to go to the potty and asked if Evan wanted to go too. He can running and was successful.

As I was cleaning him up after, a fit of naughty took over E. He maniacally laughed as he unrolled the toilet paper. Despite me telling him several times to stop, in a VERY LOUD VOICE, he persisted. I finally got him to stop and probably gave him a bit of the evil eye as I put his pants back on. The following words were exchanged.

"Are you happy, Mommy?"

"No, Evan. I'm not."

"Are you angry?"

"Yes. It makes me angry when you don't listen, especially while I'm trying to clean you up."

"Are you a lot angry?"

"No ..." (I start cracking here)

"Are you a little angry?"

"_____" (well, not anymore. How can you stay angry with that line of questioning?)

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, you aren't kidding about how verbal he is. Cannot wait to see you all!