Monday, October 6, 2008

more pictures !?!?

So the pictures I posted yesterday were for his "birthday". Here are some more from the past week.

The dear child, too young to remember the ordeal that is winter in an old drafty house, enjoyed the first of the furnace's efforts for the year.
Until the metal grate got a bit warm.

The bare shoulder look is the latest in naptime fashions.
I'm not sure how he accomplished this alone his room. Maybe Bunny helped.

Every young child needs a potato ricer to play with, no?
Isn't it nice that bibs now come with cup holders?

The Mav took this one. I just like it, that's all.

So, what is the kiddo up to these days?
Trying hard to increase his vocabulary. He points to the pictures in books, saying "dis?" meaning "tell me, dear parent, what is the word for this object". He recognizes and tries to say a great many "b" words; bike, balloon, ball, button, ... but mostly they all sound like "bah". E thinks pumpkins are balls.

He rode in his first Flintstone-style car (the kind you move with your feet through a hole in the floor). He spent nearly 20 minutes pushing himself backwards while smiling and waving and having a blast. He hasn't figured out how to make riding toys go forward yet.

He shared a toy today for the first time under my watch, maybe he does this at school. He willingly handing a toy to another child because he was asked.

I think I need to change the title of the blog because E is quite a finicky eater these days .He rejects almost all meats and cheeses and some grain products. He wont drink milk unless it has full-strength ovaltine added. I shouldn't really complain; he eats pretty much all veggies and fruits with gusto. He does eat cereal and crackers. Goldfish crackers are his current favorite. He'll do just about anything for "fee-shees".

He loves being outside. He loves to go "bye-bye". He loves playing with trains. He's happy but not in an over-the-top always giggly way. He's friendly, if not quite outgoing. He's active but enjoys quiet reading and snuggling. He's a good sleeper; usually getting in one 2 hour afternoon nap and 10-12 hours through the night.

He does not like mechanized rides. He is not patient. He does not like getting his diaper changed, no matter how wet or dirty the current one is.

He likes to watch soccer on tv. He can kick a ball pretty well for only having 20 lbs to put behind it.

He likes anything with buttons.

He likes to wear me out. Goodnight.

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