Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good job Dinosaur!

E and I spent our rainy afternoon at the library. E goes for the toys more than the books but we always check out some board books to bring home. I choose the books. Sometimes my choices are appreciated, some times not.

One of the four new books hit it big. It is about a dinosaur cleaning his room and E let me read it to him. Actually read the words on the pages. All the words. Twice!

E's usual method for "reading" books is to flip the pages as quickly as possible or else to point to all the pictures saying "dis?"

The little boy was still enthralled at the end of the second reading so I started to improvise. I pointed to the nice clean room and the broom-wielding dinosaur and said "Good job Dinosaur, your room is nice and clean".

Little E clapped.

A job well done deserves clapping. E knows this well. He sees it a lot.

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