Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from the Man in the Yellow Hat, Curious George and all of us!

So, for those of you who didn't already know, E is the Man in the Yellow Hat for his second Halloween. The Man in the Yellow Hat is Curious George's caretaker and friend.

Little E was pretty oblivious to most of the costume; he didn't mind being dressed in yellow from head to toe. He didn't even bother about the tie much, he even found it soothing to rub against his face when he was tired. The hat he didn't care much for though he was better about wearing than I had expected.

He did not like the stuffed George though. He hasn't, not from the moment we bought it.

He loved the plastic George cake topper from his birthday. The PBS Curious George show is a huge hit. E really enjoys the books about Curious George. Our boy is typically a fan of stuffed toys; he grabs them off the shelves in stores to hug them.

He won't have anything to do with the Curious George doll. In the picture above, he sat there frozen, almost as though he was afraid of it. Typically he throws it.

Oh well.

He does love to hug the pumpkins. All 3 of them, but mostly the big one. The one he desperately wants to pick up. The one that weighs almost as much as him. The one the Mav painstakingly painted.

Here are a few more pictures. Our Mother's group took the little ones on a parade through one of the local nursing homes today -- we got some great pictures from that. Hopefully we'll get a web album or 2 up soon with some more pictures from today.



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1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a beautiful boy! You did a really great job with the costume, the hat looks authentic. Weird about the George doll. Looking forward to the more pictures you mentioned.
Love to all