eat them! We gave E a lemon slice today expecting to capture exquisite faces of disgust and surprise. The Mav and I were the ones who were surprised--little E enjoyed playing with, even sucking on, the lemon. He found it to be a nice ending for his dinner of chicken and asparagus.
Our small boy is learning things at an incredible rate (if I learned this fast I wouldn't be in school anymore...). He knows "head" and "nose" (thanks to singing that "head and shoulders, knees and toes" song). We've been singing the alphabet song to him while pointing at the letters that parade across a wall in his room. Now he points to the wall and "sings"! He purses his lips and goes "who", "who", "who" while bopping up and down. Given his parents' singing abilities, he'll probably carry a tune like a screech owl but for now his songs are the sweetest sounds.
He was happy to visit little Miss M again today. I learned they spent about an hour chasing each other around the dining room table. I'm afraid Mrs. M has her work cut out for her though as the kiddos are already ganging up on her. Miss M was abetting E's cheerios habit from her highchair by secretly handing him some when her mother was not looking. Its not like E was starving--he had just eaten a rather large lunch of peas, peaches and his own helping of cheerios.
Happy Monday - here's little video from the weekend.
1 comment:
Where has our baby gone? He is pure little boy now.
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