Evan turned 10 months old yesterday. Pictures were taken. I'm sure a Picasa Web Album will be coming out soon. Here is a sneak preview:
Evan's latest accomplishments:
He says "hi" and "up" rather clearly. He tries desperately to say balloon but fall short of the mark so far. He cannot contain his enthusiasm for helium filled mylar vessels - a recent trip to a Meijer (a super-Target like store for those not familiar with the midwest) resulted in Evan shrieking "ba", "ba", "ba" as loud as possible while pointing toward the sea of graduation balloons. Very cute but very loud. He is really starting to get the idea of communicating. Now we need to work on volume control.
Evan has started taking some independent steps from a table toward a person. He is at least as proud of himself as we are of him; he gets quite a grin before attempting his latest feat. He is still a ways off from being a toddler though; gravity gets the better of him after 1 or 2 steps.
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