Friday, January 22, 2010


There have been several life-altering events in our relatively short time as parents so far. Of course, there was the arrival of little E himself. Later, he became mobile. Then, he learned to talk. And then talk back.

And now; he can no longer be contained in a crib. The first couple of times he got out of his crib and came out of his room, I just sort of sat there, in shock. Now what?

So, now he's on a mattress on the floor while we await the arrival of his new bed.

E loves it. Me ... not so much. Free will and freedom are great and all, but I don't know that toddlers need them yet.

You can see below the beginnings of E's new room and his sheer joy at seeing his old pal Camera again.

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1 comment:

Val said...

Oh my goodness E is too cute! And big congrats on your house (assuming all went well with the closing)! I may forever despair your decision not to come to Albuquerque, but we are nonetheless thrilled for you! ;)