Friday, June 5, 2009

22 months old







E at 22 months:
- has learned the word "need". As in, "nee doosh" (need juice).
- likes to dine al fresco. (He heads to the back door saying "eee owsigh" (eat outside).
- is not even close to being potty trained.
- is a very, very picky eater.
- will help pick up his toys (somewhat) and thinks it's fun.
- drinks milk like it's going out of style. Often prefers milk to food these days.
- put a rock up his nose (but his daddy got it out right away).
- enjoys biting, pinching and hitting.
- can put together phrases like "more milk please".
- would eat waffles everyday for breakfast if he could.
- is starting to push limits.
- is an amazing combination of unusually sweet and cooperative and reasonable yet is still somehow quite stubborn and opinionated.
- is still awake at 9 pm, after talking happily in his crib for more than an hour.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He looks so grown up with his hair cut. We miss you guys something awful!
Love Nana and Granddah