Sunday, May 31, 2009


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If you can translate E-speak (which can be quite a task), you'll find that E is getting very good at putting words together.

Some key phrases ...

"Bee meh"
translation: big mess, as in the state of Mommy's car

"Daddy meh"
translation: Daddy's mess, as in the heap of clothes by his side of the bed

"Pay Baba"
translation: play with Babette, the answer to what he did at school today

"Meeyuk, eh-yo cha"
translation: I'd like to sit in the yellow chair to have my milk

"do mimutes"
translation: 2 minutes, the amount of time to do anything and everything

He can just about parrot back anything he's told and he understands just about everything said to him. In fact, I think he says entire sentences, even monologues, but I'm not advanced enough to understand most of it.

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