Not really, here's what we have been doing.
1. Granny visited!
2. The Mav defended his dissertation. A few minor updates to the dissertation and he will officially be The Mav, PhD.
3. I started my first post-graduate school job, starting with 2.5 day in-office stint (my home office is 3 hours away).
4. Tee ball!
5. Picked up cap and gown, one LAST time. (really, this is it, no more school.)
6. Nana and Granddah return for a long weekend! A week and a half of grandparent visits - little E is really living the high life.
7. Bumpy tree
8. Me, PhD.
9. A combined 312 years of schooling (this math brought to you without my calculator). The end of the "Grad School" years (decades?). The beginning of the age of the Doctors Cochran (and that's the last of that, any of you call us anything besides Kristine and The Mav, or whatever it is that you already call us, we'll be very, very upset)
Congratulations to both of you!
Aunt Carol
Ah, the joys of T-ball. We are likewise entertained with the rather disturbing image of a toddler swinging a bat. We'll have to have you guys over for a pickup game!
Oh, and congrats! But are you sure you're ready to leave school? Just kidding don't hit me.
Thanks Aunt Carol!
Katherine, we're definitely looking forward to getting the toddlers together for a pickup game! I bet yours can teach mine a thing or two, like which end of the bat to use. As for the ready to leave school, a couple of weeks of real work already has me ready to go back to school. Except for the paycheck thing. That's ok.
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