Sunday, March 11, 2012

Baby school

Alec started school last week.  I'm not sure who had a harder time; him or me. I loved having him at home while I worked; every coffee break was also a "hug Alec" break.  Alec, while usually playful and happy, likes to have him Mom nearby.  Even when off playing by himself he will occasionally call for "Mama" and come find me for a hug.  He also likes to be held a lot still.  So, school is a big adjustment.

AJ does love the toys, the outside time, the songs and stories and having new friends though.  He smiles and nods his head when I ask him if he played with the babies. According to his teachers, he has ups and downs.  He naps well there though, on a cot no less.  (Not unexpected, the boy loves his nap).

School for Alec is only two days a week so far.  For my remaining work hours we have a sitter coming to the house.  She is fantastic and Alec loves her already.  She brings her 12 month old daughter and they have a great time together.  Come July, AJ will be in school 3 days a week. And come September, Evan will be in Kindergarten 5 days a week.  I don't really want to think about that yet.

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