Monday, March 7, 2011


Alec is 6 months old already.


Way too fast.

AJ is an amazing baby. I've certainly found that I have no sense of been-there-done-that when it comes to baby boy number two. It is just as fascinating as the first time.

He is every bit as sweet and snuggly as his brother. He is already a pro at giving hugs and kisses and loves to be held more than anything else (except, maybe, being in the exersaucer). His little face lights up with the jolliest of grins when he sees a familiar face.

Despite his athleticism in utero, Alec has only recently decided to start rolling around. I use the word "decided" rather than "learned" because he simply wasn't trying before. He was content to lay on his back and watch the world. He would tolerate being on his tummy for a short time but when he tired of it, it was not enough to flip him over; he needed to be held.

Alec @ 6 months
* Eats bananas (his first food), rice cereal, applesauce, sweet potatoes, squash, peas, green beans, mango, carrots, and pizza. The last one was sort of accidental; I let him put a piece of crust in his mouth thinking he'd just gnaw on it like a teether but he had a small bit of it bitten off in seconds. Then he got very upset that he couldn't have it back. As for the other foods; how well he eats depends more on his mood than the proffered food. I think he's going to enjoy finger foods much more the purees.
* The wee bit of hair he has is wild and spikey. It will not be tamed. I think hair may be the biggest physical difference between AJ and Evan.
* Alec is beyond fascinated with his big brother. Luckily, Evan is really sweet to Alec and enjoys hamming it up for him.
* Alec may be a bit of an engineer already -- see video of him studying the toy on his exersaucer. Such concentration as he figures out how it works.
*Goes to bed so easily -- just put him in a sleep sack, put him in his crib and walk away. Note that this is very very new. We logged many miles pacing around the house with him as newborn and Alec slept swaddled until just a couple of weeks ago.

Alec in one word at 0.5? Jovial.

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