In just a few minutes, I'll need to go wake E up from his nap. He'll likely tell me "I had a good night sleep" or "I had a good nap" depending on how groggy he is. He has slept well, after a Very Good Morning ™.
What is a Very Good Morning ™?
Well, it begins with a late start because the little boy slept in. A dry pull-up after a long night's sleep. Stories and milk in the yellow rocking chair. A very nice video chat with Nana and Granddah. More stories, this time on the couch.
Then, the Mav finally woke up, made some bacon (mmmmmmmmmmmm, bacon!) and got dressed. Having put in a full week's work in just 4 days, he too was off today.
[update ... E woke up after I wrote the last sentence, saying "my bunny, my bunny, my bunny?" Apparently bunny fell off the bed. So, the rest of this was written later]
Back to the story. Our plan was to play outside on this sunny, warm day and E chose to go to a park over playing in our yard. We headed out through the garage and E walked past the cars to the garage door. "Up" he said. "Put it up!" Sorry E, no more walking to the park. Get in the car.
So away we went, 6 miles to the closest park. Happily, it was awesome! The people were friendly. There were lots of kids. There was a playground, a swing set, a sandbox, geese, and a log cabin/play house.
We played and ate sandwiches and then took E for a treat. He burned off the effects of the frozen yogurt by running around a fountain. We then headed home.
As I read the Mav snippets from the local city paper, E perused his new book in the back seat. Then, "hush, Mommy! I trying to read. Be quiet".
Back home, more milk and stories, long nap, bike riding in the driveway, and out for pizza for dinner.
As we head down the highway off ramp on our way to dinner, E complains, pointing back to the highway, "I want go back up dare!". Then, on the way home, (singing, in a deep voice) "I yuv da highway, I yuv da highway". By the time we reached the garage, he'd transitioned to singing "head, dolders, nees, dos".
Bath, jammies, still more milk and stories, and off to bed.
Happy, happy little boy. Tired, tired parents.
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