Sunday, September 27, 2009

Playing Purple Playdough

It's one of those mornings when having a two year old around is delightful. E woke up in a great mood. I scooped him out of his crib, changed his diaper and brought him in to watch tv in "mommy daddy room", as has been our habit on the weekends for awhile. After about 10 minutes the Curious George we were watching ended. E said "turn off". Then he says :" go wite " (write). To be sure I was correctly understanding that he wanted to turn off the tv and go write, I repeated his requests. E nodded but then says "pay paydough" (we keep the playdough in the same container as the crayons and so he associates them.) He tilts his head and asks "purple paydough? I pay purple paydough?"

We get out of bed and head for the stairs. E pops his head into the office and calls out "Diddle, in there? Come dow tairs!"

I offer to hold E's hand going down the stairs but E says "I go behind Mommy. I be daredull."

Once downstairs, E climbs into his highchair and I retrieve the purple playdough. I then sat down beside him, coffee in hand.

"Mommy pay purple paydough pease."

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