Sunday, September 27, 2009

Playing Purple Playdough

It's one of those mornings when having a two year old around is delightful. E woke up in a great mood. I scooped him out of his crib, changed his diaper and brought him in to watch tv in "mommy daddy room", as has been our habit on the weekends for awhile. After about 10 minutes the Curious George we were watching ended. E said "turn off". Then he says :" go wite " (write). To be sure I was correctly understanding that he wanted to turn off the tv and go write, I repeated his requests. E nodded but then says "pay paydough" (we keep the playdough in the same container as the crayons and so he associates them.) He tilts his head and asks "purple paydough? I pay purple paydough?"

We get out of bed and head for the stairs. E pops his head into the office and calls out "Diddle, in there? Come dow tairs!"

I offer to hold E's hand going down the stairs but E says "I go behind Mommy. I be daredull."

Once downstairs, E climbs into his highchair and I retrieve the purple playdough. I then sat down beside him, coffee in hand.

"Mommy pay purple paydough pease."

Friday, September 25, 2009

The one where I explain what is going on around here

Dear friends and family,

Life is changing for us at Cochrans-in-Exile. The Mav and I have completed our sentences (aka finished graduate school). The terms of my parole have me in a work-release program as I learn to become a productive member of society (i.e, I'm teaching a class here). The Mav, however, was ordered to leave the state. He was given his choice of two federal institutions at which he could start to repay his debt to society (well, to student loan companies, anyway). It turns out that the Mav was a model prisoner and the two federal institutions (national labs) got into a bit of custody battle over him. The one in Tennessee prevailed but requires a 6 week waiting period before the Mav can transfer down there (I guess he's more dangerous than a handgun). So, he's being held at the NM facility while TN prepares for the transfer.

Ok, ok ... graduate school wasn't actually like prison. So here's what is going on. E and I are still here. I'm teaching a course at the university and trying to finish up a project for my engineering job. The big guy left last weekend for approx. 2 months at the lab in NM. The house is on the market. The plan is for the Mav to start working in TN sometimes in December and the little guy and I will join him there once my class is finished. Hopefully, the house will be sold by then but there haven't been any offers yet.

Tennessee, huh? Yep, Tennessee. Not exactly the promised land. At least there's no need to change the name of the blog. But ... we are getting mountains. And less bitter winters. There's an airport or two. It sure is pretty there. Or, purr-tee.

Cross your fingers that
1. the house sells soon (because I'm very tired of keeping it clean -- so many thanks to Nana though for getting it ship-shape).
2. E and I don't go crazy without the big guy here.
3. my students do well on their test on Monday; it is so much easier to grade when their answers are right.

Sunday, September 20, 2009




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E and I went blueberry picking a couple of months ago (busy, busy summer = infrequent posting). Other than the mud and the bugs, we both had a great time; E is a good little berry picker. He didn't even eat any while picking but he had a bit a rough start with the "only pick the BLUE ones" rule.

Random toddlerisms II

On growing tired of looking at chickens during a farm tour: "Bye-bye chickens, see you tomorrow" (and he turns and walks away)

After watching a farmer rile up a rooster by sticking his boot in the rooster's face: "Roo-ter mell MY feet, mell MY feet!"

Handing me a jumble of magnetic letters hooked together: "made launch pad!" (Yep, he's back in rocket mode)

"I be at-naut. I fly wocket". (me - where will you fly the rocket to?) "Al-querque."

Pointing to the star projections on his ceiling. "There apollo wocket. There Orion belt".

After E pretends to grab stars from his ceiling and eat them, I ask what they taste like. "Tay yike chi-den" (chicken)

Not so funny: "Mommy come here RIGHT NOW" (wonder where he heard that one?)

"Diddle pay my toys". "Diddle pay puzzle". Trying to get the cat to play with him ... good luck with that.

"I be daredull" Attempting anything to which I've told him to be careful.

"Watch Hammy-Mammy!" His new favorite show is Handy Manny although he still sits still only for George.

To meowing cat: "Don't worry".

"Eh-oh!" Upon see a parking garage (E likes to shout in places that echo.)

Home Depot is now the "get more paint store"
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