Friday, August 14, 2009

Birthday, Part I


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The great thing about a summer birthday is occasionally getting to have a party at the beach. Certainly, some of my strongest memories are from birthday parties in beach houses. Like the cake completely covered in M&M's ... but that's off the topic.

On our last evening at Race Car House, we celebrated E's 2nd birthday, slightly early, but among extend family and old friends.

E was actually not amused to have such commotion going on so soon after nap. In a few years he'll probably be thrilled if 3 adorable and charming girls attend his birthday party but this year he just wanted to sit on his mommy's lap.

Until the balloons came out.

And then the noisemakers.

And then the cake.

And then the presents.

Yep, E likes birthday parties afterall.

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