E knows pretty much the whole alphabet by sight; capital and lower case. He calls it the EFG's.
While waiting at the airport, E was doodling happily when he made a short vertical line and said "I". Looked like an "I" to me too.
I came downstairs to find E hold an "M" (magnetic letter). He was turning it over and over saying "M", "W", "M", "W", ...
E is getting pretty good at spelling and recognizing his name.
He knows all the 8 major colors (see any box of 8 crayons), except orange.
Having spent some time with two other cats, E now knows that cats have names besides "MAO" (in fact he even says "mee-oww" now). Our cat is now called "Did-doo" (Diddle, our nickname for him) or "naughty" (our description of him).
He has pretty good spatial reasoning and problem solving abilities; he pulled a box over to something he couldn't reach so that he could use the box as a stool.
He can sort shapes like no kid I ever seen before. On his first day with the Tupperware shape sorter (the one with a red half and a blue half), he could put all 10 shapes into the correct holes in rapid succession, save for his pause for clapping after each one. The really remarkable thing is that he seemed to know which side to search (red or blue) depending on which shape he picked up.
And the best achievement of all? E now picks up cat hair/fuzz/dirt and instead of eating it, he puts it in the TRASH CAN! (sometimes)
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