I was not going be the kind of person who used the TV to entertain my child so I could do other things. But, there he was, watching a movie. A "choo-choo" movie. And I was in the other room, working.
You see, E was out of school almost all week with a fever that comes and goes and a cough, and conjunctivitis, and some irritability and reduced appetite. I have to get my dissertation to my committee in two weeks, and as of one week ago, had 2 chapters left to write. So, a movie. A "choo-choo" movie. And some bunny ears. Why not?
Good: First draft is done and sent to my advisor. Bad: there are at least 70 out of the 190 pages he has never seen. So, there could be extensive revisions to make.
Bad: I caught E's illness. Good: Now I can describe his symptoms to the doctor, since I am feeling them too.
Good: I did get some laundry done today. Bad: not nearly enough considering 3 people generate a lot of laundry in 2 weeks.
Bad: The Mav has dent in his car door and no information about the denter. Good: the car was unoccupied and parked at the time, so no-one was hurt.
Good: We will soon be done with graduate school. Bad: Anyone know who's hiring these days?
Plan: To the doctor we go (again). To the dank, dark recess of the basement I go (again; laundry room ...) To find a room for my dissertation defense on April 6th. To plan my trip home to visit my brand-new niece (for the very first time)!
I see the bunny ears, but is that the rocket finger too? He is such a well rounded little boy! And, being sick changes all the rules. Sounds like you could use a bunny, a blankie and a movie too.
Congratulations are in order for both of you, and we are all proud.
I am sure you will be glad to get out of that Chicago winter weather, anywhere is better. I still remember those winters.
E is such a nice looking little boy and he will be glad to get in some warm, beach weather. Maybe this summer after you 2 have finished we can all get together at the coast.
Jobs are not to bad, I can't retire they keep me coming in.
Again congats to both of you, we are all very proud.
Love grandpa Cochran
That nice man I met in Phoenix is sill your advisor isn't he...he wouldn't dare ask you to revise 70 pages..lol...got my fingers and toes crossed for all three of you..give both my boys a kiss and a hug ...I just know the three of you are going to soon be laughing about all the fun you're having now...Hang in there Mom! We love ya'll..ccm
Thanks for the support everyone! We're not there yet ... miles to go before we sleep (or something like that). E's been out of school for almost 2 weeks; still running a fever off and on. So, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting dimmer.
On a lighter note, E is entertaining us over the monitor right now by singing, talking to his bunny, and counting (2,3,5!). Of course, he's supposed to be napping ...
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