We took a trip to the mall today (I needed a shirt to go with my suit for upcoming dissertation defense and possible interview) so we told E where we were going and headed out. We didn't mention that we were going to drop off the recycling first; didn't think it would matter. When we turned to go to the recycling drop-off and away from the mall, E started to fuss. Not like he was upset, at first, more like he wanted to bring something to our attention. As we continued down our route he got more agitated and started saying "maw" (mall). Can he possibly, at not quite 20 months, know how to get to the mall?
He does love the mall. Not to shop; he HATES shopping. He likes puppies, playgrounds, mechanical rides, carousels, and wide open spaces to run around. The mall has all of these. So, yes, he really did want to go. But did he really know the instant we turned away? Until I got my driver's license I couldn't have told you how to get anywhere not in easy walking distance. I babysat for a kid who, at 3ish, told me how to get to his swim club; a good 15 minute drive. His mom told me she could give me directions but the kid would do a better job. So, it's possible. But my kid? The Mav's kid? A sense of direction? Huh. Wouldn't have guessed that.
The life and times of "Baby", "Brother", "Mama" and "Da-ee" (to quote the littlest one)
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Things I want to remember
I lifted E out of his highchair after lunch and told him to go give his daddy a night-night high five before nap. He walked over to his dad and said "love you" while doing his "love" sign.
I tell E to head upstairs for bed and he ignores me. I tell him, if he's not on the stairs by the time I count to 5, I will carry him up stairs (he likes to walk). He immediately heads for the stairs and says "five" when he gets there.
E licks the page in his magazine that has a picture of eggs. They are bluebird eggs and the cute baby bluebird is looking right at him, but all E knows is he likes to eat eggs.
Speaking of magazines, this month's copy of his baby animals magazine arrived today. E grabbed it and took off for the living room. He sat down, still in his coat, and started reading.
E loves to walk everywhere. He strongly protests when we try to carry him. He made it 4 blocks today to reach the mailbox so we could mail Poppop's birthday cards. (E says Poppop!) It took 30 minutes, but he made it. (Mailbox is adjacent to park, so he was rewarded for his perseverance). When he's tired, he puts up his arms and says Mommy (or Daddy).
Ask E if he has stinky feet and he grins widely and insists that you smell both feet right now. He giggles and lifts his feet toward you, one at a time.
E loves to be chased around the house. We go in circles until I reverse direction to catch him the other way. When I'm not where he expects me to be, he stops and calls "mommy" until he finds me.
My reluctant eater is a bit more open to trying new foods if you precede the name of the food with "rocket". E now enjoys rocket chicken and rocket andouille sausage.
I bought E some books yesterday at our local ReStore (Habitat for Humanity thrift shop) and when we saw the truck for the ReStore today I asked E if he remembered our trip to the store. He told me "rah-rah", "sp-s", and "mao". He was right; we got books with rockets, space, and cats in them.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Spring at last
The long winter did nothing to diminish E's love of our neighborhood park. His favorite activity is still trying to put the wood chips through the holes in the steps of the play structure but he is happy to run, to swing, to come dangerously close to the edges. He's not so into sliding right now though; he'll only go down on my lap. Much better to taunt gravity than to harness its power safely, I guess.
E started saying "Mommy" this week. It is the most adorable thing I've ever heard. And I let him know that. So, he says it more because he knows I like it.
When E is alone in his room, before falling asleep, he recites his favorite words. He will lie up there for a long time chanting; "night-night", "meow", "ma-ma", "da-da", "puppy", and others.
Now, he chants "mommy". What to do? Is he calling me? Is he just practicing?
Also, E is getting very good at the hugs and kisses but sometimes he fakes me out and goes in for the cheek raspberry.
When E is alone in his room, before falling asleep, he recites his favorite words. He will lie up there for a long time chanting; "night-night", "meow", "ma-ma", "da-da", "puppy", and others.
Now, he chants "mommy". What to do? Is he calling me? Is he just practicing?
Also, E is getting very good at the hugs and kisses but sometimes he fakes me out and goes in for the cheek raspberry.
Saturday, March 14, 2009

After 2 weeks of fever and various other cold symptoms, E is finally getting better. Just yesterday we were back at the doctor because, after 3 days on antibiotics for an ear infection, E was actually more feverish and sickly than before the ear infection was discovered. The doctor feels the poor little man just had one virus after another.
Today, E is quite back to his normal happy self and completely fever free. We actually left the house this morning for something besides a doctor's appointment for the first time in over a week. We went to Engineering Open House. I know, it doesn't exactly sound like a party but after 2 weeks of lying around the house with a sick kid ...
We all had a great time. The sun was shining. The air was warm. The birds were singing ("teet, teet, teet" yells little E). The pizza was good. Crushing concrete, build your own rockets, bubbles, model "choo-choos". Live music. First bus ride. Happy, happy baby. Happy, happy family.
Back at the ranch, things are not so rosy (no clue yet if my dissertation will be done in time, still more laundry, so many shingles in the yard when they ought to be on the roof) but one happy, healthy, singing, hugging, kissing, giggling little boy makes the whole world seems brighter.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Good, the Bad, and the Bunny
I was not going be the kind of person who used the TV to entertain my child so I could do other things. But, there he was, watching a movie. A "choo-choo" movie. And I was in the other room, working.
You see, E was out of school almost all week with a fever that comes and goes and a cough, and conjunctivitis, and some irritability and reduced appetite. I have to get my dissertation to my committee in two weeks, and as of one week ago, had 2 chapters left to write. So, a movie. A "choo-choo" movie. And some bunny ears. Why not?
Good: First draft is done and sent to my advisor. Bad: there are at least 70 out of the 190 pages he has never seen. So, there could be extensive revisions to make.
Bad: I caught E's illness. Good: Now I can describe his symptoms to the doctor, since I am feeling them too.
Good: I did get some laundry done today. Bad: not nearly enough considering 3 people generate a lot of laundry in 2 weeks.
Bad: The Mav has dent in his car door and no information about the denter. Good: the car was unoccupied and parked at the time, so no-one was hurt.
Good: We will soon be done with graduate school. Bad: Anyone know who's hiring these days?
Plan: To the doctor we go (again). To the dank, dark recess of the basement I go (again; laundry room ...) To find a room for my dissertation defense on April 6th. To plan my trip home to visit my brand-new niece (for the very first time)!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
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