E has been sick with a nasty stomach bug since Sunday.
He passed it on to the Mav who's been bed-ridden since yesterday morning.
Oh, the laundry.
Oh, the floor cleaning.
I have spent the better part (and I do mean the better part; the worse parts are not things I wish to remember) sitting in my yellow rocking chair with my small boy snuggled up tight watching TV. He's seen more TV and movies in the past 4 days than in his entire life to date.
I think things are finally looking up for the boys. Hopefully tomorrow they will start to recover their energy and their appetites.
Aw, that's awful. Mary was down with an monster of a virus last week and over the weekend. Not the same thing at all, but just as sad. I have to admit I did the same thing. We rented some PBS kids show and she sat wrapped up in a blanket for hours.
PBS kids is pretty much the only thing keeping peace in our house these days. It turns out Evan is still sick; why don't they warn you before you leave the hospital with a new baby that they can stay sick for so long? I hope Mary is all better and that the rest of you were left unaffected!
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