Sunday, November 9, 2008

Uh Oh!

The Mav taught little E to say "Uh Oh."

Mostly he says it randomly and often.

He is learning that his new word has meaning and context.

It is unbelievably funny.

Somehow his fork ends up hitting the floor. "Uh oh".

Those big blue eyes. That little "O" shaped mouth. Looking for approval; "did I use the word right Mom?" "I just dropped my fork so we could practice communicating". That's why I didn't teach him that word.

Little E is under the weather and spent some time watching a movie in his Daddy's lap this evening while I prepared dinner. The movie, a hit from the first since it features his beloved "fee-shees", captures E attention and restores his good humor.

He is apparently also getting the story, somewhat. The movie is "Finding Nemo" and in it, the Daddy fish emphatically issues a command to the little boy fish along the lines of "come here right now!". The little boy fish does not listen. "Uh oh" says little E.

The Mav laughed heartily.

Little E lost a strategic advantage however. Now I know that when I tell him to "come here" and he ignores it, he knows what he's doing.

Uh oh.

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