Yesterday was an exciting and historic occasion. It was E's 15 month birthday. (I think some other stuff may have happened too but I don't think you visit this blog to learn about current events).
I had a hard time narrowing down the picture choices from E's 15 month photo shoot. That kid really knows how to work it for the camera.

E at 15 months is every bit as delightful as the pictures indicate. When we picked him up from school today one of his teachers told us that they all think E is a perfect child, so easy going, happy, laid back. A bit over simplified, but pretty much true. (They haven't witnessed what happens if you try to take away the crayons he's trying to eat ...).
At 15 months little E
-loves playing outside, especially on playground equipment
-is fascinated by bugs, especially the abundant pseudo lady bugs
-is starting to sit for "real" books;
Go Dog Go seems to be a favorite, it is by far the longest book he listens to in its entirety.
-loves to be chased though he usually stops in his tracks because being "gotten" is the best part.
-really likes to be tickled. signs "more" if you stop too soon. leans into a chin tickle kind of like a cat.
-gives great big mouth to mouth sloppy wet kisses
-signs "help me" instead of fussing most of the time when frustrated
-is a very strong climber but likes to climb stairs just like adults; one foot per stair. his stride is too small for this so he ends up nearly horizontal by the top of the staircase (hard to describe this procedure in words ...)
-greatly enjoyed his first peanut butter and jelly sandwich yesterday
-shakes his head and laughs in response to being told "no"
-knows that trying to play with the outlets gets Mommy to tell him "no" and pick him up.
-finds it hilarious when the cat scratches around in the litter box.
-enjoys mimicking things he finds funny, like shoe-ears (i.e. putting a shoe on your ear).
-sang in his stroller while I voted
-loves fishies; crackers, stickers, stuffed animals, fishsticks. Not salmon though. Not for dinner.
-likes to swing. it took him awhile to come around but now he loves it.
-loves anything animated on the computer.
-loves bath time
-ok, he really loves just about everything. Especially the cat.