Monday, September 1, 2008

Farmer Boy

Though we often complain about our prairie town it does have some great features including an amazing parks system. One of these parks is a replica turn of the century farm (complete with a native peacock? I think they took a few liberties with the word "replica"). It also has a petting zoo and smallish slide/climbing structure.

E had a complete blast. You might be able to tell from the pictures below. He walked all over the place, touched the animals and squealed in delight frequently.

In the petting zoo, hanging out with the cows. Yes, E and I have the same shoes. Yes, it is very cute.

Meeting a very friendly and hungry goat. No fingers were lost in the taking of these photos though the edge of my shirt was apparently quite tasty.

The bunnies were E's favorite animals. The pigs were his least favorite.

That is one happy kid!

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